Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Night notes

I am just going to have to start keeping my lap top at the side of my bed (or at least pen and paper) - how many thoughts have rattled in my head at night only to be lost come morning?

I am considering returning to academic studies....mixed feelings on it but hey, I'm fickle so what can I say? Time and money are having way to much influence in my life...well, maybe money more than time. I've got to find away to turn stones into gold....a little physical alchemy to pad my pockets! Okay, maybe not...but how about a little internal alchemy - oh wait, you actually need to apply effort to that end. It's a real shame that I can't summon the motivation to apply said effort...I keep getting caught in the illusion of meaninglessness of everything. Isn't meaninglessness every bit as much an illusion as meaning? Why not, they are both creations of our perception. It is settled then - meaning is illusion and so is meaninglessness. There is only just now.

Aha, that reminds me of one of those lost late night thoughts.....time, time is illusion as well. A construct of our minds with no anchor in what is. There is always just now, never yesterday or tomorrow. We can only experience just now. That is a liberating thought. I think it has powerful ramifications about me, us, life, god/no god - unity.