Thursday, September 20, 2007

Life is the ebb and flow of cycles, rythmic patterns that we follow from birth to death. The pace and rythm may vary through lifes journey, but always there is a pattern, always we follow cycles. Our life depends upon cycles and flow. The trick is to recognize or discover the pattern that one is governed by.

Significant life change can be difficult to overcome at times and often seems to bring chaos and confusion into our lives - yet the rythm adjusts and a new pattern emerges. How to recognize the new pattern and adjust to it in harmony and balance. Time heals all things, it is said - perhaps that is because it takes times to harmonize with the changing rythm of life? Learning to be in harmony with the cycle of ones life is the art of learning contentment within the changing rythm. If we allow it I believe that harmony happens naturally - but too often we are striving and clinging and fighting and seeking without ever really seeing or entering into that harmony.

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