Saturday, March 08, 2008

Another step forward

Well, after giving one more kick at the can I have finally come to terms with the death of yet another dream. I had registered for another course towards my masters degree this fall only to find that (as I should have already known by now) it was a complete waste of time and money. I had no interest in the course material and found it terribly difficult to do even the simplest readings. So, without any further ado I withdrew from the course and emailed the registrar and withdrew from the program entirely.

Another door closed. I guess I will have to keep looking for meaning and direction. However, I'm not sure if I am ready to give up the quest of knowledge just yet. I am still enrolled at the Waterloo University, but that is for a BA degree, not a masters. Still, it does appear to offer a good selection of courses that seem rather interesting - it is just a question of money I suppose. Can I afford to throw more money away at yet another educational endeavor that will likely offer little in tangible returns? More to the point, can I even afford another course by the spring? Something to think about, but if I want to enroll for spring time (and money) is running out. Hmmmm, I say. Hmmmm.

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