Saturday, February 28, 2009

Movement as relationship

I was lying in bed late last night thinking,unable to sleep again. I was looking forward to my beginners Yi Lu class in the morning and I was struck by the idea that my classmates and myself are related by our movements. Usually at the end of the class we stand around for a few moments with hesitant smiles and a sense of togetherness, yet lacking words. Every week now for months we have been meeting together and under the guidance of our Sifu we simply move together. Practicing the forms, learning the new movements - silently, with little communication. Occasionally Sifu will make explanation or comments but, since my Cantonese is rather poor, it is really the movement that binds me to the class.

Lately I have been struck by the excess of word in my life - mine and others. So little is communicated by so many words, such great distances are left socially and relationships often struggle under the weight of so many words. To experience the connectedness of silent movement is a great gift that I hope I don't quickly lose sight of.

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