Sunday, April 13, 2008

The same old dance.

I was visiting an online christian group on facebook tonight and was unsuprised to find new names dancing the same old dance. Same arguments, same tactics, same results. There is nothing new under the sun, as they say. More and more I am coming to terms with what is becoming obvious to me - we are animals of instinct and predictable behaviour. We act according to our species defined nature. I see it in people, in children and animals especially. I am finding it difficult to see an intrinsic meaning in this life, especially to the human species. What we are, what we say, and what we do is in so many ways meaningless beyond the temporal present experience. The dance has no real life - it is a tired recording and replaying of a song losing its vitality. We speak, we laugh, we cry, we fear, we have courage - in repeatable and predicatable patterns. We are beasts - we are dancing bears. We are chasing the big top: chasing a show that is patently meaningless and missing the simple pleasure of simply surviving and existing.

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