Monday, August 25, 2008

How do you explain the observations of your emotions? Thoughts and feelings turn within regardless of what I tell myself. I direct my thoughts to recognize that my emotions are misguided, yet the passions still wells up within. Triggered by some trivial problem they have a life of their own. Once upon a time I revelled in my emotions, the ebb and flow the life blood that carried me. The highs and lows, sorrow and joy - all enjoyed and treasured. And the bliss of anger - the power, the passion....burns so bright but deceptive. I miss the bliss of anger. How have I changed? I have trained myself towards stoicism and in so doing have disarmed myself and robbed myself of skillful appropriation of emotion. I am no longer skilled in the dance of emotions - too long I have been content to simply observe my emotions and let them pass untouched. Too long I have ignored the exquisit sensations that emotions bring. Where once I revelled in emotions caress, today I struggled with them. And I really don't know why. Perhpas it is not my emotions that are confusing me, or at least not the root of the problem. Could ego be the silent dagger causing me pain? Was it pricked pride that stirred up my emotions? No doubt. Pride stung - whipped by the sense that I should react a certain way. I got sucked into the game of fools once again. A reminder that I have far to go, that ego is indeed a silent dagger that can bring much suffering. Overly concerned about what others think my day was stained with suffering. I allowed ego to unbalance me emotionally, to lose the rythm of my emotions. Recognize, accept, and observe - don't hold onto the emotion or lay claim to it. Recognize it as an honored guest, no, as a family member rightfully belonging in my life.


Tiffany at Patheya said...

You talked your way to the point - so I will just repeat your conclution with other words...

Before enlightenment, I carried wood.
After enlightenment, I carried wood.

The amazing thing is its all the same - but your perspective changes. So, the thrill of beauty is still there - but your attachment to it is not. And the need to hold it, rub it, to desire it.
It is - just as the shadow behind the tree, the maggots under the rock - it still exists, along with the mountain peaks ablaze with a setting sun.
We still get to experience it all - but our attachment is not.

Two monks were walking together. They came to a river. A young maiden was looking longingly to the other side.
The old monk offered to carry her across to the other side. She happily agreed.
On the other side, they parted way and the two monks continued their journey.
Finally, after miles, the young monk couldn't contain himself any more, and said 'But you've done a terrible thing! To carry that young girl!'
The old monk chucked and said 'Ahh, but its not me who is still holding her.'

(I love this story.)


Tiffany at Patheya said...

Where are you?

Skeptic said...

I'm awaiting the snow to fall in Ontario, Canada (just north of Toronto).