Monday, December 08, 2008

Moving on.

Well, things are moving along now. Plans are in place, short goals are being set and the future looks bright. Registered for a Shambhala meditation seminar early January and if plans work out will be attending with a good friend. I should prove to be a good weekend. The only possible negative that I can foresee is that another friend might be hosting a seminar with Rich Franklin (UFC) in January as well and that might very well happen while I'm at the mediation seminar. Hopefully not, but we shall see.
I've also enrolled in another course at the seminary I had recently quit....uh ya, they were kind enough to take me back. Anyways, I'm enrolled in a course called "the birth of theology". It is an introduction to patristic studies and the historical development of the church theology. Sounds interesting anyways. I've come to a place where I am no longer looking at courses as a means to future employment or as being dependent upon a faith infused perspective. I love studying history and religion and this course will serve to allow both in a context I am familiar with. Very nice, I know.
Things are changing at work. I've applied for one of the new full time positions that have come available (I have been a happy part-time worker for 4 years now). I really don't want to work full time, but it will provide some financial stability and perks....the downside is I will have to work all week, and that is really not a pleasant thought. If I get it then fine, if not then it will leave my schedule open to pursue further studies, mediation courses, and continued training in chen tai chi. I am finding that I am nestled right inbetween 3 traditions Taoism, Christianity, and Budhism.
I am coming to embrace my interests as simply healthy, enjoyable things instead of investing them with a need to recipricat financially. I am actually taking steps to enjoy things for what they are and not just doing them to make money. And truth to tell, much of what I enjoy will pay dividends in the long run on so many levels it is just a joy to do them. I have not felt this positive in a long time. I am investing in myself and finding that my dreams can be a functional reality. Sure, some dreams have changed, but that is life and I am moving on.
I am also making a commitment to my training in chen style tai chi. It requires a lot of driving (1 hour each way), but the investment of time and gas is easily worth it. I only make it once a week, but that has proven to be a sustainable and enjoyable time. I would prefer the school to be closer so I could go more often but I am enjoying what I am getting. I am currently wrestling with going back to aikido as well. I haven't trained in aikido in years but it was my first martial art and I really did love it. That said, I am aware that my interest in aikido does not overwhelm my commitment to tai chi, but it could offer a local opporunity to train in a great art without the commute - it could be an supplemental excersise to tai chi that will not be thwarted by bad weather and long drives.
Well, that is the brief outline of where I am and what I am doing. As I said, moving on in positive directions and enjoying it.

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