Sunday, August 08, 2010

I've just begun reading Fear and Trembling, by Soren Kierkegaard. Okay, so I've only read the preface, but this has already caught my attention:

"The present author is by no means a philospher. He has not understood the system, whether there is one, whether it is completed...Even if somoene were able to transpose the whole content of faith into the conceptual form, it does not follow that he has comprehended faith, comprehended how he entered into it or how it entered into him."

"The present author is by no means a philospher...he neither writes the system nor gives promises of the system, who neither exhausts himself on the system nor binds himself to the system."

These words resonate with me. In a way they give me hope, but not a grounded or dogmatic hope. Perhaps an intuitive hope. A hope for the freedom of thought - thought that strives for understanding but does not mire itself in absolutes or dogmatism. An active agnosticism may describe what I'm thinking.

I'm looking forward to hearing what Soren has to say.

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