Tuesday, October 10, 2006


There was a time when life seemed so busy...nearly every minute was accounted for, and those that weren't were quickly swept along in the tide. At times life was full and satisfying, and at others it was damn exhausting. So I moved. A new town, a new job, a fresh start. The immediate quiet was pure bliss. To here the sweet sound of silence. No more exhausting schedule, no longer where dozens of things competing for my time and attention. It was time to relax, focus on my own life, on my own family. It's funny how time can creep by, and suddenly years have passed. The new town is okay, nice, but not spectacular. It is the peace and quiet that makes it special. I now have time to relax - but I don't seem to do much more than that. Sure, I'm busy with family and work is still work. Now, if I am busy, it is doing family things. Mostly enjoyable, and usually avoidable if it is not. It is almost as if balance is being struck. I run the risk of enjoying relaxing too much, but there is just enough for me to do that I am staying clear of the evils of laziness....well, mostly clear. I guess the biggest downfall is that I watch too much TV now. For years I didn't even have cable, now I fall into the couch, and no sooner than I have landed the remote control for the TV is in my hands. Still, compared to the hectic business I had come from, this is nice. If things are crashing upon you, and you are struggling to find time to breath....I heartily recommend a change, a break from your routine. True, not everyone can move to another town, not everyone would want to. But often there is some refuge you can take - somewhere that takes you away from the stress and restores your sense of peace. Never neglect that place. It will restore you, and enable you to face the burdens, and perhaps give you a chance for clear reflection that will show you what burdens are best put down.

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